Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) Versus Mental health. ( How it’s affecting our Sanity) —

Elizabeth Atino🇺🇬✍️
3 min readJan 26, 2022

Ps: Am not a doctor or specialist… I basically do research and form my opinions from others and share! Anything you read, learn to consult and inquire further from a Medic😊! Read! Learn! Share! Comment

There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds — @Laurell k. Hamilton

What is PTSD?

PTSD can leave you feeling stuck with a constant sense of danger and painful memories. After a traumatic experience, it is normal to feel frightened, sad, anxious and disconnected. But if the upset doesn’t fade, you are left suffering from post traumatic stress.(PTSD)

Any event or series of events that overwhelms you with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness and leaves you emotionally shattered can trigger PTSD.

Following a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, traffic accident, terrorist attack or assault, almost everyone experiences at least some of the symptoms of PTSD when your sense of safety and trust are shattered.

Signs & Symptoms

  1. Negative thoughts and mood swing changes — you always feeling alienated & alone, feeling of mistrust, depressed and hopelessness and feeling betrayal.
  2. Hyperarousal — - including sleep disorders, you easily irritated, startled, angry outbursts and aggressive behavior.
  3. Avoidance & numbing — this is where we try to avoid anything that reminds us of the trauma, loss of interest in activities in life in general feeling emotionally attached.

Risk Factors for PTSD include;

  • Family history of PTSD or depression
  • History of substance abuse
  • History of physical or sexual abuse
  • History of depression, anxiety or another mental illness.

Usually when people are talking about PTSD, sometimes it’s not taken in depth because of lack of knowledge about it or people are ignorant to really know more about it.

PTSD affects a person’s ability to work, perform day to day activities or relate to their family, friends and significant other. This brings a lot of mental distress and drainage which is not good for any human being.

So how do we recover, heal and thrive?

Things to consider for healing may include;

  1. Engage in journaling — I think this is the best thing to do, writing down your thoughts understand the connections between emotions, behavior & environment while helping provide insight and personal awareness into your healing process.
  2. Spend time with nature — Reasonating with the simplicity of nature is very healing & therapeutic for many.
  3. Disconnect — this includes disconnecting from people, places and most importantly social media.
  4. Setting boundaries — healing requires establishing boundaries whether it’s eliminating unhealthy relationships or limiting how often you choose to socialize with your cuticle of friends and family.

Alice Carie said — “ PTSD nights aren’t always Exact replays of the event. Sometimes they replay the emotions you felt during the event such as fear, helplessness and sadness”

It is really hard to deal with PTSD, a lot of people are going through it! But we should creat a safe space for people to interact, express themselves without judgments! Let’s keep a free atmosphere here for us all.

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Elizabeth Atino🇺🇬✍️

~No one is going to take care of your mental health than you~. All about Mind enthusiasm and Life style! Lawyer keen interest in Tech law l Commercial and HR